Did anyone really GET IT…..in the film, “SCHINDLERS LIST” ? This wonderful film was based on a true story that took an acceptable amount of artistic freedom, but ultimately served as an astounding accomplishment, of both historical expose’, for the world and as a first step at revealing long hidden truths, for personal atonement, to all the GOOD JEWS of the world.

I embrace GOOD JEWS, whom I consider as those who obey the laws of the God of Abraham. It is obvious that the government of Israel, is NOT comprised of GOOD JEWS. But I DO believe that the majority of the migrated population, who went to the state of Israel, in the COUNTRY of Palestine, ARE GOOD JEWS, who wish to finally LIVE the peace and security they sought there. I DO believe that they dream of the day when they might be permitted to dwell in peace, with their GOOD CHRISTIAN NEIGHBORS, who ARE obedient to the laws, of the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus et al, and became the first Christians, as the first followers of Jesus in his homeland of Nazareth, Palestine…….YES, JESUS WAS A PALESTINIAN and also with the GOOD MUSLIMS, who revere and believe in ALL the prophets and ALL the books and are obedient to the laws of the ONE GOD of ALL these prophets, as taught to them by Prophet Mohammad, who was ordained by God and was personally instructed on the laws, by the angel Gabriel, pronounced Jibreel in arabic and was the same angel who brought glad tidings of GRACE, to MARY, mother of Jesus, as well as the announcement that she would bear a son and he would be greatly blessed and would  have a holy mission. The angel Gabriel and Prophet Mohammad recorded the teachings of this in the Holy Quran. THE BELIEVERS, in the Quran, are ALL those who obey the laws of the ONE CREATOR, NOT one PROPHET, or THAT would place the PROPHET in a forbidden position of competing with THE CREATOR. But, they are BELIEVERS in laws and the books, according to whichever PROPHET inspired them to seek the righteous path.

I applaud and thank the author publicly, for the honest depiction of the personal struggle and prejudice that just ONE of these groups suffered and I thank him for the epic revelation, however thinly veiled that they were not the ONLY victims, taken to the Nazi prisons and death camps, but they were the majority of those who survived. The means of which, will be their everlasting personal grief that longs for atonement.

During the time of WWI and WWII, the soviet communists were conducting an aggressive expansion plan that Germany found to be unacceptable and very dangerous to the entire continent. Germany declared war on Russia and invaded their territories, in an effort to stop their global aspirations. They did not get far in the physical deployment and were turned back, by the intolerable Russian climate. But they did declare the Soviet Russians as their enemy ! The THIRD REICH, of Hitler, was NOT a Nazi organization. The term “NAZI”, is a Russian term and was a Russian philosophy of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

The Russian Soviet Communists infiltrated the THIRD REICH and thereafter evolved an extreme change in the PRIDE IN NATION AND HERITAGE promotions,  that gained Hitler favor and acceptance of the German population.

Those Russian Soviet Communists were NOT of the same party or philosophy as the Russian people of today, or of the revamped Communist party of today. The Russian people, important to note, threw the Soviet Communists out of their headquarters, in Moscow, Russia and President Vladimir Putin, who took charge of the Russian government, began immediate,  sweeping change in government policy and philosophy, with a very sincere, long neglected, devotion to the welfare and opportunities of the liberated people of Russia.

Today, thanks to President Putin, the Russian government is no longer an entity of evil, seeking to devour all global governments. They are focused strongly, on repairing the chaos, created by the Soviets and on rebuilding themselves, to return to the magnificence of culture and intellect, that was suppressed and demolished by the Soviet reign of Terror. I love the Russian people and I dearly love President Vladimir Putin.

But, the Soviets……I do not love. They truly WERE the pinnacle of evil, seizing large populations of Russian Jews, Russian Nobility, Russian Business Empires and soon,  expanded to a deceptive occult system, of disguising themselves and seizing the same religious, nobility and profit opportunity targets, in other countries around the world, with the eternal determination to suppress and control ALL religions, Monarchies and governments.

They were thrown out of Russia…….but they were NOT dissolved.  They already had MAJOR infiltrations and manipulations operating in every government in EVERY country, including the U.S.A., ALL of Europe, Africa, China, India, Latin America and Israel, Palestine, whom they imposter themselves as, while they continue to infiltrate, by pushing OUT the originals and manipulate, while DISGUISED as SINCERE ORIGINALS of EVERY COUNTRY, OF EVERY RACE and OF EVERY RELIGION. They are DETERMINED to return and complete their missions. President Putin refused to be vulnerable to their continued, though occult, expansions and fought constantly, to block them throughout his entire term. He ingeniously remained in the executive office, to continue this blocking and his protection of the Russian people, by guiding, protecting and informing their new  leader, President Medvedev, of the global gullibility to infiltrations, during the transfer of leadership, to head the noble Russian re-organization and healing process. He needs GLOBAL support and co-operation to accomplish the task.

But during WWI and WWII, there was no Putin, to protect the Jews, the Nobility, the business owners or the general populations and ALL of these were victims, of the occult or disguised expansions, of the Soviet Communists.

Ask yourself, when did the evolvement of the THIRD REICH NATIONAL PRIDE AND HERITAGE focus move into becoming the NAZI rein of terror against GERMAN JEWS, GERMAN NOBILITY and GERMAN ARISTOCRACY,  who are now referred to as the “DONAUSCHWABEN” people and are comprised of originals and decendants from ALL those European Countries,  Principalities and Monarchies, who were forcibly removed from their homelands and their possessions ? And how did RUSSIAN JEWS AND RUSSIAN NOBILITY become prisoners of the death camps, that were finally closed at the end of WWII ? Was the GERMAN REICH allowing their good friends, the Soviet Communists, to bring ALL their prisoners to the GERMAN prison camps ? Why were so many of the victims, in the death pit photos blonde haired people that did NOT look JEWISH whatsoever ? And here is the clincher, revealed in the movie “SCHINDLER’S LIST”………How would a JEWISH ESCAPEE, from a NAZI prison camp, have a better chance at survival and a more secure future, by taking the identity of ANOTHER GERMAN JEW PRISONER ? WE KNOW THIS WOULD BE LUDICROUS ! THE IDENTITIES AND PAPERS, HANDED TO THE ESCAPEES, WERE THOSE OF NON-JEWS, WHO WERE NOT SURVIVORS. This is the grief and the reason for the desire for atonement that those, who were faced with a life threatening choice, were forced to tarnish the perfection of their soul with. I understand their dilemma…….and I forgive their difficult choice. Perhaps their best opportunity for atonement, could be to help the decendents, of the non-Jewish, non-survivors to find their truths and protections from the predatory stalkers who seek to keep THE TRUE MARTYRS hidden in the dark depths of this very sad scar on human history.  – By Sister FJR/Dawn Naret’

~ by dawnnaretnews on November 2, 2011.

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